5 Ways to Kid Proof Your Home

Children change homes and always for the better; but with the joy of rearing kids comes the sweet, sweet riot of their boundless energy and unquenchable curiosity. In one moment everything’s prim and proper, then suddenly, you just took your gaze away for just a second, and everything’s turned inside out.

Manage your home better by making it kid friendly. Read on and learn how to make your home kid proof.

  1. Don’t scrimp on furniture
It sounds practical to buy the cheapest kind of furniture when you have kids around since most of the time that furniture will be damaged, in one way or the other. However, it would make more sense to buy the best ones early on. Tough pieces of furniture that can survive the test of time are perfect for homes with children. Able to take on abuse, these pieces of furniture will become centrepieces of your living room, telling stories of childhoods long gone.
A perfect piece for such a purpose is a leather sofa. In Singapore, numerous furniture shops sell high-quality leather sofas. Not only can this furniture take the damage, leather is highly stain-resistant, suitable when occupants occasionally stain their surroundings.

  1. Consider your lifestyle
Fancily decorating your home may be a bit short-sighted. Incorporate a decorating style that takes into consideration the daily activities in each area. Accessorize your home out of reach of children. Vases, figurines and such should be put on shelves high enough to avoid being bumped by and toppled over by running kids. Expect your furniture to not always be used for what they were made for: the best sofa in Singapore can be a child’s trampoline, a perfectly varnished wooden table an infant’s vomit target. The key is to observe and anticipate such cases. Covering your sofa in grey usually hides the wear and tear and stains of the furniture better. Using plastic vases or dishes can minimize breakage during an activity-filled lunch.

  1. Prepare for minor disasters
A good home keeper knows how to solve every problem and knows how to anticipate those that have not yet come to. Stash cleaning materials in smart hidden spaces that are easily accessible to adults but out of reach for children, as some may contain dangerous chemicals. Identify hotspots of danger in the house and store wipes and rags nearby. Have antique pieces of furniture? Protect them by having a bottle of Wite-Out on the ready in case of accidents.

  1. Storage is key
Speaking of storing cleaning materials, smart and unobtrusive storage spaces are key to keeping things neat and orderly amidst a possibly chaotic household. Keep toys and games in baskets that can be easily tucked under beds or tables when the kids are done playing. Utilize cupboards that are out of reach of children for dangerous cleaning materials. Cabinets built in walls or under the stairs save space and lessen the clutter. Innovative storage spaces can greatly help to de-clutter your home.
  1. Make space for the kids
Lastly, make room for the children. Dedicate an area of the house where they can do whatever they want. Ensure that the place is durable, free of hazards and decorated sparingly so as to avoid accidents. But it doesn’t mean that it should be plain. Incorporate patterns and designs in the walls and floors. Include leather-covered sofas as they are durable and highly stain resistant. Also, a lot of shops carry kid furniture in Singapore. These will be perfect as they are especially designed to accommodate the needs of children.

At the end of the day, it is you who will decide which works and which do not. Just make sure to prioritize the needs of the kids first and foremost. Their safety should always be top priority!

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