Top 3 Most Popular Mattresses: Pros and Cons

The type of bed mattress that you have can make or break the quality of your sleep. You might find yourself waking up and suffering from neck pain or body ache and you might feel tired already even if you had 8 hours of sleep. If you want to ensure that you don’t only get the right amount of sleep but it will be in a better quality, you must shop for a mattress here in Singapore that is right for your needs. Below are the top three most popular types of mattresses that are usually catered by the top quality mattress brands along with their respective pros and cons.

Memory foam

Probably the most popular type of mattress nowadays is the memory foam bed mattress. There are many people who are purchasing this because of the benefits that it can give. One of the advantages of choosing this mattress is your body will feel more relaxed while you’re sleeping which prevents the parts of your body especially your back, neck, and shoulders from aching. The memory foam bed mattress provides great support to the body and it is also made out of durable materials. It is a great choice no matter what shape your body is and your sleeping position.

However, memory foam mattresses can be very expensive and it’s not recommended to use for people who easily get sweaty. The viscoelastic material is not breathable which is why it is temperature-sensitive. Some memory foam don’t get back to its original shape immediately after you lie on it for hours but it will just happen if you purchase cheap kind of memory foam mattress.


Another popular mattress that satisfies most people who already used it is the latex mattress. It is sometimes compared to memory foam because it can also contour based on the shape of your body and sleeping position naturally. Natural latex mattress, especially those that are purchased from Singapore, is also durable and compared to memory foam, the latex mattress is much cooler surface to sleep in.

It can be expensive compared to other types and some people don’t enjoy the spongy feel it can give. There are also some people that can be allergic to using latex material, which can make them itchy and have runny nose. Before buying latex mattress, make sure that you’re not allergic to it. In addition, it might be hard for you to find this type of mattress because it’s not popular choice for many homeowners because of its price.

Pocketed spring

The pocketed spring mattress is the type that you can easily purchase because it’s a popular choice for many people. One of the reasons behind this is that this type of mattress is very affordable and can be considered durable as long as you’ll be using it properly. It is also a great choice for people who tend to get sweaty at night because it is a cool sleeping surface.

Although the pocketed spring mattress is a popular choice here in Singapore, there are still some people who don’t enjoy it because the material don’t contour to your body shape, which can be a reason why you’ll experience body aches once you wake up. Moreover, people who conduct surveys and studies regarding mattresses conclude that this type of mattress doesn’t give high satisfaction to its users because they don’t felt comfortable using it.

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